Beyond Influential Podcast Episode #60

Kristin Prosser on Money Tips, Money Mistakes & Money Mindset for Entrepreneurs

January 24, 2019
kristin prosser brittany krystle beyond influential podcast

If you are an entrepreneur (or want to be one), this interview is a MUST listen!

As a society, we need to be having more open conversations around money, money mindset, and finance. I am going to be sharing more around my money journey. But I also want you to hear from experts in the space who live and breathe numbers for entrepreneurs, side hustlers, influencers, and small businesses.

A very common entrepreneurial issue (and I’ve been guilty of this too!) is leaning into the parts of my business you enjoy and where you are strongest and neglecting (or avoiding!) the less sexy parts.  The reality is that you really need to at least have a basic understanding of how all of the areas of your business run. (You can and should be delegating:).)

For this week’s interview, I sat down with Kristin Prosser, the CEO & founder of The Accounting Collective (and my bookkeeper), to talk about all of the basics you need to be thinking about with your business finances. This conversation really does apply to everyone. Especially if you have any interest in working for yourself in ANY income generating capacity.

Also, we cover the most common finance mistakes entrepreneurs make, how much you should charge for your services (& when to raise prices), money mindset, and more!

*FREEBIE: If you’re interested in learning more about the foundational aspects of your business that are completely necessary as an entrepreneur, I have a free new business checklist for you that you can grab at There’s a lot more to having business than having a skill that people will pay for and I want you to be as prepared as possible.

To connect with Kristin Prosser:




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