Beyond Influential Podcast Episode #129

The Top Business Tips Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

July 16, 2020
The Top Business Tips Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

As an entrepreneur, you always need to know enough to be dangerous. 

You are never done learning and evolving as a business owner. Whether you’re just starting out on your entrepreneurial journey, or you’ve been at it a while, there are going to be areas where you can improve and uplevel your skills, especially when it comes to the foundational elements. (Never underestimate the basics! The fundamentals are the key to results.)

The Top Business Tips Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

This week, I’ve rounded up the best business advice pulled from past episodes of Beyond Influential. This includes excerpts of conversations I’ve had with Cayla Craft (Mommy  Millionaire!), Joel Brown of Addicted2Success, Stacy Tuschl (7-Figure businesses – online  & brick and mortar!), Divya Gugnani (sold a company to QVC and now the co-founder Wander Beauty, a global beauty brand!), and more. 

Whether or not you’ve listened to these episodes before, this one is worth listening to now. Want to learn how to sell without selling? I’ve got you covered. Trying to beat imposter syndrome? You’ll also hear some great tips. Trying to figure out how to scale your business? So jump in and listen to hear this, and more—this episode is jam-packed with valuable takeaways.

On Ep. 129, you’ll hear:

  • The importance of mindset & vision for success in any business
  • The two elements sales are always based on
  • How to beat the comparison game
  • Real talk on work-life balance: The myths vs. reality of balancing work, your personal life & everything else! 
  • The secret to scaling your business successfully (& efficiently!)
  • Top tips for business preparedness, team-building, operations, and more!

If you want to listen to the full episodes these clips came from, they are listed below along with the timestamps!

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Don’t want to miss an episode (or valuable free resources!)? Click here.

Here are the full episodes with timestamps of the clips included in this episode!

[2:50] #89 Getting to Yes with 5 Easy Sales Pitch Tips

[8:50] #74 Cayla Craft on 7-Figure Sales Strategies, Mindset, Masterminds & Becoming Mommy Millionaire

[16:21] #115 Creating Brand Partnerships That Grow Your Business with Sigute Zitikyte of Shopify

[16:39] #49 Your 10 Year Vision, Impacting Millions & Being Addicted2Success with Joel Brown

[21:31] #74 Cayla Craft on 7-Figure Sales Strategies, Mindset, Masterminds & Becoming Mommy Millionaire

[26:06] #111 Christina Galbato on the Business of Educating Instagram Influencers in 2020

[28:07] #80 Stacy Tuschl on What it Takes to Make 7-Figures, Investing in Yourself, & Creating Unstoppable Foot Traffic to Your Small Business

[33:02] #80 Stacy Tuschl on What it Takes to Make 7-Figures, Investing in Yourself, & Creating Unstoppable Foot Traffic to Your Small Business

[34:38] #104 Divya Gugnani of Wander Beauty On What it Takes to Grow a Global Brand & Build Businesses That Scale

[37:50] #80 Stacy Tuschl on What it Takes to Make 7-Figures, Investing in Yourself, & Creating Unstoppable Foot Traffic to Your Small Business

[45:09] #116 Are You Prepared In a Crisis? The Importance of a Business Continuity Plan

Helpful Links:

Use this New Business Checklist to make sure you’ve got your bases covered in your business.

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