Beyond Influential Podcast Episode #121

The Biggest Personal Branding Mistake You Might Not Know You’re Making

May 1, 2020
personal brand clarity

Is this number one personal branding mistake what’s holding you back from getting the results you want?

On last week’s episode of Beyond Influential on Why Your Personal Brand Is Important: How to Make Yourself Recession-Proof, I touched on it briefly, but I wanted to dive deeper into this topic because it is often the difference between an audience of raving clients, customers, and content consumers… and crickets. 

I’ll just cut to the chase: the biggest mistake I see over and over again with personal brands is a lack of clarity. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the online space or a seasoned marketer, this is an area that most people don’t realize is the actual issue that needs to be addressed for them to achieve what they want with their personal brands.

The good news is clarity is something you can improve if you know what steps to take. If what you’re doing online isn’t working – that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you or your product or service – it’s likely a communication issue that can be addressed with the right adjustments. 

On Ep. 121, I cover:

  • What exactly is personal brand clarity & why it’s critical to getting results online
  • My Quick Clarity Assessment: What I look for when I evaluate a personal brand
  • Why not getting clear on your brand can be costly
  • The main reason clarity is difficult to achieve  
  • The number one question your personal brand needs to answer & more!


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