Beyond Influential Podcast Episode #163

Susy Markoe Schieffelin on Sobriety, the Benefits of Sound Healing & the Business of Sharing Your Gift with the World

August 10, 2021

If you’ve been feeling mentally off or physically drained recently and you’re ready to create positive change in your life, this episode of Beyond Influential is for you. Also, you can listen it during the times that you might need it!

Susy Markoe Schieffelin, founder of The Copper Vessel and The Sound Healer’s Academy, is a Los Angeles-based sound healer. Also, she is a Reiki Master, Kundalini yoga teacher, and Sobriety coach who has built a reputation around her deeply restorative crystal alchemy sound bath sessions. They desicrbe the sessions as “a mind-blowing experience that is a must for individuals new to meditation.” 

She leads sound baths with millions of attendees all over the world. Some of the attendees are employees from Google, Pandora, and Nordstrom. Also, Wall Street Journal, Vogue, and the LA Times features her sound baths. 

I discovered Susy through her sound baths on Alo Moves and started digging into her content. However, Susy’s journey was not a straight path. She has a very vulnerable story, and I really appreciate how she’s opened up about it and uses her experience to serve others. A childhood diagnosis of alopecia led to years of anxiety and addiction, and on this episode, we talk about Susy’s path to sobriety through sound healing, and how it led to her building a successful and impactful purpose-driven business.

On Ep. 163 with Susy Markoe Schieffelin, we cover:

  • Susy’s path to sound healing: Her journey from hitting rock bottom to sobriety
  • Alopecia: How it influenced her and how she has come to embrace it
  • How she maintains her sobriety and the support systems she has in place
  • Sound healing: What it is, how she got into it, and turned it into her business
  • The different sound healing instruments and how to find the ones that work for you
  • How she grew her business, started the Sound Healer’s Academy, and started working with major brands
  • Her specific daily meditation and gratitude practices that keep her grounded, and more!


Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher


Want to check out Susy’s sound baths for free?

If you’re interested in checking out Susy’s sound baths for free, along with hundreds of other yoga, stretching, meditation and other fitness classes, you can sign up here for a 30-day free trial. I currently subscribe to a couple fitness apps, and Alo Moves is one of them—there’s something for everyone, so if you’re interested, definitely take advantage of the free trial!


Susy’s Book Recommendations:

The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life’s Perfection

A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume


Other Helpful Links:

Check out my Free masterclass on 3 Secrets to Building a Profitable Personal Brand!


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To connect with Susy:

Website | Instagram


To connect with me, Brittany Krystle:

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*Full disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links. I will be compensated (at no extra cost to you) should you choose to purchase through them. Thank you in advance. (I appreciate you!)


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Take a screenshot while listening to the episode and share it in your Instagram Stories—and make sure to tag me @brittanykrystle!

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