My Beauty Product Obsession
I love beauty products: makeup, skin care, hair care, nail care. I WANT ALL OF IT.
So I recently turned my roommate on to some of my favorite YouTube beauty experts and it really revived my love of trying new products and my beauty product obsession. I’ve always been into makeup and trying to look my best, but I really hadn’t changed up my routine in a while.
Even though I don’t want to admit it, my skin is changing as I “age” and now feels like the right time to figure out what can be tweaked. When I lived in Los Angeles, it was way easier for me to maintain the same beauty regimen because the weather didn’t seem to affect my skin as much. Here in NYC, I’m having to learn all new ways to adjust to the elements.
I’ll be writing reviews of the products I’m wearing and testing out. It’s also a nice way to justify the ridiculous amount of time and money I’m spending in Sephora.