Beyond Influential Podcast Episode #144

Lindsay Silberman On Creating a Luxury Product-Based Ecommerce Business That Sells Out in Minutes

February 2, 2021
Business That Sells Out in Minutes

To kick off the new season of Beyond Influential, I am incredibly excited to welcome back my friend and guest from the most popular interview of 2020, Lindsay Silberman! If you have not listened to her episode, you have to check it out to learn more about Business That Sells Out in Minutes because there’s a reason it was the most popular interview. It’s Ep. 112 on How to Be Taken Seriously by Brands & Make a Living as a Full-Time Influencer and easily one of my favorite conversations on the show. 

When I spoke to Lindsay last year at this time, we were in a pre-pandemic world and she gave all the behind the scenes details of being a successful luxury travel blogger and influencer. Above all, We talked all about her evolution from a journalism career writing for some of the largest publications to full-time influencers, and she gave all the specifics on brand deals, partnerships, her content process, and more. 

The Business that Sells Out in Minutes

Since that time, Lindsay added another title to her resume: entrepreneur. Similarly, continuing to build her Business That Sells Out in Minutes as a luxury lifestyle content creator, however, she combined her passion for five-star experiences and sharing the best of the best with her audience, to create a product that will let you recreate that luxe experience at home. 

She launched her first product-based brand, Hotel Lobby Candle, and has absolutely killed it as she’s jumped into the e-commerce space. Therefore, today she’s giving you an inside look at how she did it. And I mean in detail—she shares every single bit of walking through how she developed her product and strategy step-by-step.

Most entrepreneurs wouldn’t give you this much insight, but Lindsay did it with me for this episode and for you… for free. Therefore, she knows what she’s talking about—she sold out of thousands of candles within minutes of launch to an audience who had never even smelled them. 

On Ep. 144, we cover with Lindsay Silberman:

  • How Lindsay’s passion led her to the concept behind Hotel Lobby Candle
  • The A to Z details of Lindsay’s product-development journey: therefore, from idea to execution
  • Pricing: How she determined what to charge for her luxury product
  • Mistakes she made, what she learned, and what she would do differently
  • Her branding and marketing strategy: How she leveraged her social platforms and the trust she’s built with her audience to sell out in minutes
  • The role customer service plays in the success of a Business That Sells Out in Minutes, why you should support small businesses, and more!


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Want to check out Hotel Lobby Candle for yourself?</56>

Other Helpful Links:

Get on the waitlist for The Clarity Course right here!

Listen to Lindsay on Ep. 112 on How to Be Taken Seriously by Brands & Make a Living as a Full-Time Influencer


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To connect with Lindsay:

Lindsay’s Website | Lindsay’s InstagramHotel Lobby Candle | Hotel Lobby Candle Instagram | At the Bar Podcast


To connect with me, Brittany Krystle:

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