Beyond Influential Podcast Episode #113

Is Entrepreneurship Right For You? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

February 20, 2020
Is Entrepreneurship Right For You

Is entrepreneurship the right path for you???

Whether you already own a business or not, you’ll find value in this week’s episode. 

This Beyond Influential community is very entrepreneurial, and I speak to a lot of people who are just starting their entrepreneurial journey, want to get started, or are trying to make the leap from side hustle to full time—and they all ask what I wish I had known when I started, any huge lessons I learned, and to just be honest with them about what the entrepreneurial life is actually like. 

The message on social media is that entrepreneurship is glamorous and rewarding. And it can be at times, but that’s not the case most of the time and not for most people. Starting a business is easy; staying in business is not.  

Being successful in anything in life–whether it’s in business or personal branding–is really a mental game.

On Beyond Influential Episode #113, I share the 5 questions to ask yourself to know if you’re really ready to be an entrepreneur, and if it’s the right path for you.

And if you already own a business, this episode is worth listening to because businesses and their owners do evolve over time, and you need to keep asking yourself these questions to help you stay on track with your goals.




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