How (Not) to Pack for a Trip
Honesty and self-awareness are important:
1. I’m not good at packing.
2. I can be “a tad” high maintenance at times.
So I am not perfect and do not have travel down to a science. I overpack consistently. I’m not here to tell you I can roll all my clothes up in perfect symmetrical balls that fit perfectly into a carry on. I don’t even own an appropriately sized carry on (it’s on my list!). I can’t get by for 10 weeks with only one shirt, one pair of pants, a sensible shoes and a scarf that can double as a jacket, hat, canteen or other magical items to survive.
That stuff matters and it doesn’t matter. Despite my lack of packing skills or appropriate baggage, I haven’t let that stop me from going places and seeing things. At the same time, I am trying to improve my skills how to pack for a trip so I don’t waste time that could be used productively and it’s just better for everyone if I don’t have to lug a huge bag around or ask for help carrying things (my largest suitcase would likely not fit in a small European car).
Current suitcase (Yes, this is actually mine):
What I hope to achieve:
Realistic goal: Something in the middle! 🙂