Beyond Influential Podcast Episode #145

Following Your Intuition Pivoting Without Fear & Being Unapologetically Yourself

February 9, 2021
Following Your Intuition

“I care more about respect than I care about being liked.”

Back in October, I was interviewed for the Kimchi + Challah Podcast hosted by Ashley Borden and Elaine Sir—and honored to be the guest on their first episode! Today, I want to share this “Following Your Intuition Pivoting Without Fear & Being Unapologetically Yourself” episode with you. Specifically, it has valuable takeaways and insights into not only business, therefore also into my background that I haven’t shared before. 

You may remember Ashley from Beyond Influential Ep. 143 From Overeaters Anonymous to Celebrity Fitness Expert: Creating Your Dream Business Out of Your Deepest Struggles. So, Ashley is a fitness and lifestyle consultant to some of Hollywood’s most recognizable faces and world-class athletes. Also, she coaches personal trainers on how to build their own successful training businesses since she’s been the go-to trainer for a who’s who of clients for years.  

Moreover, the other half of the Kimchi + Challah Podcast is Elaine Sir. So, Elaine is a career mom and LA lifestyle blogger—and the founder behind Seoulfull Skin Food. She is an attorney, second-degree black belt in taekwondo, and music executive. 

These women are powerhouses and I just love doing this interview with them where we chatted about everything from my background to building my business, leading a team, personal branding, and more. 

On Ep. 145, Following Your Intuition, We Cover: 

  • Following your Intuition Pivoting Without Fear, and embracing your strengths
  • The building, evaluating, and leading a team
  • In addition to this, the three questions you should ask yourself before posting on social media
  • What building a business and team sports have in common
  • The importance of marketing research and getting feedback from your audience
  • Why you shouldn’t be afraid of pivoting, therefore, how to tell the Pivoting Without Fear if what you’re doing is the right fit for you, and more!


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Book Recommendation

Following Your Intuition

StrengthsFinders 2.0 has come up in multiple conversations I’ve had recently, and I highly recommend everyone check out this book to not only learn more about what you strengths are, but also how to embrace them and use them to your advantage.



Other Helpful Links:

Get on the waitlist for The Clarity Course right here!

Listen to Beyond Influential #143 From Overeaters Anonymous to Celebrity Fitness Expert: Creating Your Dream Business Out of Your Deepest Struggles with Ashley Borden

Listen to my episode on the Kimchi + Challah Podcast


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To connect with Ashley:

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest


To connect with Elaine:

Website | Seoulfull Skin Food | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest


To connect with me, Brittany Krystle:

InstagramTwitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Pinterest


*Full disclosure: The link to the book is an affiliate link that takes you to I will be compensated (at no extra cost to you) should you choose to purchase it. So, thank you in advance (I appreciate you!) and please note that the prices change and vary over time due to Amazon marketplace changes.


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Take a screenshot while listening to the episode and share it in your Instagram Stories—and make sure to tag me @brittanykrystle!

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