Beyond Influential Podcast Episode #23

Tom Kuegler on Medium Mastery: Best Practices, Audience Growth, Publications & Monetization on

April 5, 2018

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Tom Kuegler on Medium Mastery

Tom is a writer & blogger best known for his work on the platform Medium. Additionally, between writing his personal Medium, his Medium publication The Post Grad Survival Guide, and also his contributions to some of the largest Medium publications on the site.  Since this point, Tom has amassed a sizable audience that has allowed him to write full-time. Tom has a course called Medium Mastery where he teaches people not only how to use the platform to build an audience, but also how to monetize.

Tom recently put on a virtual summit called the Grow Your Blog Summit, where he had over 30 blogging experts taking you through how to brand, market, and monetize your blogging. In conclusion, I was very honored to participate in his event to talk about personal branding for  bloggers. 🙂 

On this episode, we chat ALL THINGS MEDIUM MASTERY:

  • -Best practices
  • -How to grow an audience
  • -Publications – what are they and how do you write for one!
  • -Titles & Tags
  • -Monetization (and more!)


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