Beyond Influential Podcast Episode #19

Danika Brysha on Modeling, Model Meals, and Becoming the Next Oprah

March 7, 2018

Danika Brysha is a curve model with IMG Models, self care and wellness personality, and the founder and CEO of Model Meals, a healthy meal delivery business.

From using bulimia to binge eater to drug abuse to control her weight, Danika has been able to turn her relationship to food and her body into a thriving business that inspires others.

On this episode we talk:

  • -How Danika changed her relationship with food
  • -Hustle culture & why self care has become a trend
  • -Behind the scenes of the modeling industry
  • -How Danika has grown a supporting Instagram community
  • -How she grew a million+ dollar business out of her parents’ garage and more!


To connect with Danika:

Model Meals:

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