Beyond Influential Podcast Episode #16

Lili Gil Valletta on Cultural Intelligence, Achieving the American Dream & How Brands Should Approach Multicultural Marketing

February 14, 2018

Check out this episode!

It seems like there is a very public mistake by a large company every week over misunderstandings or lack of education when it comes to marketing to the multicultural market.

Liliana Gil Valletta is a former corporate executive turned entrepreneur who is helping companies and the world at large realize the incredible importance minorities and women play in business.

After 10 years at Johnson & Johnson, Lili Gil Valletta is now the CEO & Cofounder CIEN+ and CulturIntel. Cien is a data-driven consulting and marketing firm that helps business leaders and Fortune 500 companies unlock the power of today’s diverse marketplace. CulturIntel is a technology platform using big data and AI tools to mine, map, segment, and report actionable intelligence from the millions of digital discussions taking place everyday, everywhere, globally. She has won countless awards for her work related to diversity and minority issues.

Lili Gil Valletta has even coined her own term, “Cultural Intelligence.”

She is also the creator of Dreamers Ventures, a product innovation accelerator bringing together a best-in-class alliance of business experts to search, mentor and launch products created by minorities and women. Did I mention Lili is also a mom?

This woman is so impressive and I don’t say that lightly!

On this episode, we discuss:

  • Lessons from being one of the youngest C-Suite execs in a Fortune 50 company
  • Tips on how to climb the corporate ladder quickly
  • Can you have it all? (Corporate success and a personal life)
  • What brands are missing when it comes to marketing to multicultural marketing
  • And more!


To connect with Lili: Twitter, Website, Instagram, Facebook, CulturIntel, Cien+, Dreamers Ventures,

To connect with Brittany: Instagram, Twitter, LinkedInWebsite



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